Monday, March 16, 2009

How to mark designs on borders

I found this tutorial on I wanted to remember this process to make future quilts easier to mark. This is the Swanky quilt, which is about 24″ x 29″ and the border stencil is 2″ wide. For a first try at this method of border marking, use a small-ish quilt, so that the borders aren’t really long. Here’s my slap-dash method for border marking:

Mark a 45° diagonal line in each border corner, and a line in the middle of each side.

Lay the stencil on the border (start with a short side on the quilt) to get a guesstimate idea about how the design will fit. This stencil came pretty close to fitting well on this border, but the stencil was just a bit to short to really fill the space from the diagonal line to the middle line on the border.

Start marking in the center of the border, centering one of the stencil motifs on the center line you drew on the border. Mark the first “repeat” of the stencil design.

Since the stencil is actually a bit short to fill this space, I moved the stencil about 1/16″ to the right (toward the corner) before marking the next repeat, to add in some length to the design so that it will fill the space better. You can see in this picture how much the stencil was moved after each repeat was marked. The design will now fill the space and turn the corner in a visually pleasing way.

To mark the longer side, lay the stencil on the border and match the corner design at the diagonal line.

Take a look at where the stencil design will fall at the middle line of the border, and decide how best to mark the design so that it flows well and looks continuous. In the example, the design ends at a fairly odd spot, kind of in the middle of the repeat.

To fit the border, the design will either need to be lengthened the same way it was for the first side, or shorten the design by about the same amount. Since the design was lengthened on the first side, do the same for the second side, to keep things as consistent as possible. The design will not meet in the center of the longer side of the quilt at the same place as it did on the short side, but as long as the design flows together, it’s not a problem.

Begin marking at the corner and mark toward the center line, moving the stencil toward the center line slightly between each design repeat. I moved the stencil about 1/8″ between each repeat this time, so that the design would fill the longer space and end at a logical place in the middle of the border.

To fill in the blank spaces from the stencil and connect all the lines, make the lines flow together smoothly, redrawing them slightly if necessary. Mark all the borders of the quilt so that they match and the design flows continuously around the quilt.


Nadine said...


While I do understand wishing to keep track of a method for future reference, and I can appreciate that you've at least noted where the tutorial came from (though the link is not actually an active hyperlink to my blog), I must request that you remove my copyrighted material from your blog. It's perfectly fine to provide an active link to a post on my blog and tell a bit about the post in your own words, but please do not reproduce my material in it's entirety on your blog.

I would have sent this to you privately, however there is no "About" link or way to contact you directly from this blog.

Thank you,

Nadine Ruggles

Nadine said...

Once again, in case it wasn't clear the first time, remove my copyrighted content from your website immediately. You are guilty of copyright infringement, and I will be forced to report this blog to Google should you not comply within the next 24 hours.

Thank you.